THE Betton Grange Society marked the 80th anniversary of the introduction of the Collett Grange 4-6-0, when in 1936, No. 6800 Arlington Grange rolled off the Swindon production line, the first of a class of 80.

The ticket-only event at the Llangollen Railway on Saturday, September 24 included a full programme of Grange activities, starting with refreshments in the Henry Robertson suite at Llangollen station, where a display charting the history of the class was open to participants, who were also issued with a commemorative booklet as a memento of the occasion.
There then followed a 20 minute film with archive Grange footage before a tour of Llangollen Railway workshops conducted by the group’s engineering director Chris Moore.
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This tour included the unveiling of a replica nameplate and number plate for No. 6800 Arlington Grange fitted to the frames of new-build No. 6880 Betton Grange, while on display were no fewer than four working miniature Grange models of different scales and a genuine name and number plate from No. 6802 Bampton Grange, owned by Brian Jones, the nameplate also attached to the frames of No. 6880 for a photographic opportunity.
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