THE Dean Forest Railway has bought WR pannier No. 9682 from the GWR Preservation Group at Southall.

1940-built GWR Toad brake No. 17488 is also included in the deal.
A team of members has been busy getting No. 9682, which is currently dismantled, ready to move to Norchard, where it will join classmate No. 9681 – the overhaul of which is progressing well and will return to service in 2019.
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However, most of No. 9682’s steam fittings with a street value of £35,000 are missing, leaving the restoration team with the task of sourcing or even manufacturing new ones.
Accordingly, a fundraising campaign has been launched. Donations can be sent to the Dean Forest Locomotive Group, Norchard Station, Lydney, Glos GL15 4ET. New members are also being sought for the group.
The DFLG is a registered charity, No.1164847, so donations and memberships may be gift-aided via a form available on its website www.deanforestlocogroup.orgThe group is also registered for online donations via BT MyDonate – simply search for ‘Dean Forest Locomotive Group’.
A DFLG spokesman said: “The pannier is ideally suited to the scenic and challenging Dean Forest Railway and the thought of two engines consecutively numbered from the same class regularly working together in preservation is eagerly awaited!”
Read more in Issue 250 of HR – on sale now!