THE Dartmouth Steam Railway is to light up Christmas… and offer a festive steam special like no other.
It will run a series of American-style Christmas trains, with locomotives and carriages lit up with in excess of 100,000 lights plus miles of cabling.
The formula has for years proved immensely popular with the operations across the Atlantic such as the diesel-operated Canadian Pacific Holiday Train, and there seems every reason why it could be at least as successful in Britain.
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Now the DSR is aiming to make its Christmas Train of Lights a world first by combining both on-board and lineside illuminations.
Managing director Andrew Pooley has teamed up with a local events company to stage this spectacular illuminated display. The journey will take passengers through an ancient oak forest which is completely transformed into a magical nocturnal extravaganza. The entire route from Churston station though to Dartmouth and back will be lit.
As well as lighting the stations, the forests and scenery in a blaze of Christmas-themed light, there will also be many magical illuminated surprises along the route.
Read more in Issue 247 of HR – on sale now!