IN A prime example of old-time railway working, prompt action on the ground by those responsible saved passengers on the Railway Touring Company’s ‘Royal Duchy’ a much-delayed journey home from Par to Bristol, on Sunday, September 2.
Running behind Bulleid 4-6-2 No. 34052 Lord Dowding (34046 Braunton) from Bristol Temple Meads to Plymouth and Par via Taunton and Exeter, the train made its final destination on time.

After dropping the passengers, the 4-6-2 proceeded to St Blazey for turning and servicing. However, for whatever reason, the expected fresh supply of coal was not available, causing a situation which posed an operational problem.
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Without a tender top-up, the engine would not be able to work the train back to Bristol because of a lack of sufficient fuel.
Read more in Issue 246 of HR – on sale now!