CONSTRUCTION of the Corris Railway new-build 0-4-2ST No. 10 Falcon has taken another step forward, with the machining of the pony truck wheels and the manufacture of the axle.
The 12in diameter solid wheels have cost £350 each, the axle £540 and four bearings £52 each.
The pony truck has already been manufactured in the workshops of two CR volunteers, but the main construction work is being carried out by Alan Keef Ltd.
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It is hoped that No. 10 will be operational alongside the Kerr Stuart Tattoo-style No. 7 by 2021, dependent on fundraising.
No. 10 is approaching the rolling chassis stage, with cylinders cast and ready to be fitted. The boiler and other components have been manufactured and are ready to fit once the connecting rods, valves and motion parts are manufactured and in place.
Read more in Issue 246 of HR – on sale now!