By Geoff Courtney
FORMER Kent & East Sussex Railway volunteer Robin Moira Wright has become a director on the railway’s board of trustees, an appointment hailed by the heritage line’s chairman Ian Legg as a “real coup”.
In the 1980s Robin lived in Tenterden, where the KESR is based, and volunteered at that time as a guard and signalman. Her early professional career also involved railways, as she trained as an operations manager with BR and held appointments in Kent, Sussex and the West Country, prior to joining the legal profession.
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She is now a barrister in London specialising in employment and discrimination matters, but has retained her interest in the KESR as a life member, and recently volunteered on the line’s ‘Wealden Pullman’ dining train. In addition, she provides legal advice across the heritage railway sector, and maintains her connection with the national network as an active member of the Institution of Railway Operators.
“It was an honour to be asked to join the board of Britain’s original light railway,” she said. “I have known it for nearly 40 years, and it is such an exciting time in its history with the reconnection to the main line at Robertsbridge in prospect.”
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