FINTOWN station building has been gifted to Comhlacht Traenach na Gaeltachta Lair, operator of the Fintown Railway, by owner Donegal County Council, to help boost the narrow gauge line.
Fintown station was built in 1895 to a standard design for the Stranorlar to Glenties railway. It was in use until the last passenger trains ran in 1947 and was closed completely in 1952, when the last goods trains ran on the line.

Since then, it has been used for various community purposes, including serving as a rural health clinic, but has now been declared surplus to council requirements.
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CTGL, which has used the platform since it began running trains in 1995, but has not had access to the station building, is now looking for funding to restore and return it to railway use as a ticket and administrative office, small museum and cafe.
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