By Cedric Johns
Following the announcement that Riley & Son is likely to remain the custodian of the ‘world’s most famous engine’, A3 4-6-2 Flying Scotsman, for the next six years, Steam Dreams plans to take the engine to Edinburgh for the third year in succession in the coming months.
When the A3 returned in 2016, the highlight of its itinerary was to return to Scotland at the head of a ‘Cathedrals Express’. It was the first time that Scotsman had pulled a train north of the border since the turn of the century and wherever it went masses crowded every vantage point.
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This of course was when as the first Steam Dreams’ ‘Flying Scotsman’ was on its way to Edinburgh on May 14, Network Rail caused uproar by declaring the A3 out of gauge.
Only last minute intervention by the Scottish government’s minister for transport and Network Rail chief executive Mark Carne reversed the issue.
Read more in Issue 237 of HR – on sale now!