BRITAIN’S latest new-build steam locomotive will be one of the star attractions at this year’s Warley National Model Railway Exhibition.
NBR Engineering Services Limited, the engineering arm of the 20in gauge North Bay Railway in Scarborough, has been following up its success in building replica Bagnall Sipat 0-4-0ST Georgina, as highlighted in issue 215, with a batch of 2ft gauge Decauville 0-4-0Ts for sale, aimed at the garden or private railway market.

The first, bought by enthusiast John Sutton and 90% complete, will be on display at the show at the National Exhibition Centre near Birmingham on November 25/26.
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The Decauville Manufacturing Company in France established itself as a builder of narrow gauge steam locomotives for agricultural, mining, and industrial locations.
While several have been preserved abroad, only one is in running condition, the1899-built Bathala from Dombe Grande Sugar Estates from Angola which is now at the Sandstone Railway in South Africa.
Read more in Issue 235 of HR – on sale now!