By Peter Best, Ian Gaylor and Stephen Phillips, edited by Tony Nicholson (softback, The 762 Club, £9.95 plus £2.50 p&p)
As highlighted in our feature on pages 70-72, one of the landmark events of this year was the launch of the £650,000 near-replica Baldwin 2-4-2T Lyn at the hugely-successful Lynton & Barnstaple Railway’s autumn steam gala, writes Robin Jones.
The debut of any new-build locomotive, especially full-size ones, is a cause for mass celebration, but this one is special. It adds the biggest missing ingredient to this marvellous little heritage line’s re-creation of an original rake of carriages, in the form of ‘authentic’ motive power.
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The front and back cover are illustrated with more of local artist Eric Leslie’s marvellous L&B watercolours, in this case Lyn, complete with its trademark US-style cowcatcher.
The depicted scenes could so easily be today as the early Thirties, and reinforces the continuing success of the line’s revivalists to restore the legendary line exactly as it was.
The volume, well illustrated throughout with archive pictures, tells both the stories of the original Lyn, and the 2017 version with modern refinements to its design.
For a railway which currently has just short of a mile in length, the completion of such a project is a truly stupendous achievement, and this volume is a fascinating souvenir of that.
Profits from the book go towards builders the 762 Club and will help maintain No. 762.
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