By Cedric Johns
BOSSES at Locomotive Services Limited are celebrating having been granted a train operating licence for the operation of excursion passenger trains on the network’s main line.
This means that Locomotive Services Ltd has now secured the three main approvals needed to operate.
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These are the ORR safety certificate, Network Rail access agreement and an ORR train operating licence.
The Office of Road & Rail (ORR) granted the operating licence on Friday, August 4.
Breaking the news, spokesman Peter Greenwood told Heritage Railway: “We also recently secured a Network Rail gauging certificates for Bulleid 4-6-2 No. 34052 Lord Dowding aka Braunton and Stanier 4-6-0 No. 46100 Royal Scot, engines which will operate on the routes over which we will run our first trains being Crewe to north Wales and Crewe to Cardiff”.
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